On Tuesday, October 19, 2021, AAMFT, The National Council and 20+ organizations from across the country are coming together to advocate for lifesaving funding for mental health and substance use treatment programs. This year due to COVID-19 we are doing the Hill Day at Home; from your computer and without ever leaving the comfort of your home or office you can participate by urging lawmakers to invest in these legislative initiatives. The day features updates from the Biden Administration, presentations from keynote speakers, presentation of the legislator of the year, and updates from Capitol Hill.
As many of you know, AAMFT is advocating for H.R. 432/ S.828 The Mental Health Access Improvement Act of 2021. This bill provides for coverage of marriage and family therapist services and mental health counselor services under Medicare. It also excludes such services from the skilled nursing facility prospective payment system and authorizes marriage and family therapists and mental health counselors to develop discharge plans for post-hospital services. This event will amplify your voice to get this passed.
For more information about what congress is doing for our legislation and other behavioral health bills check out our article .
To register and see the full schedule for the Hill Day at Home Event please go to https://bit.ly/38tC1mA.