The AAMFT Research & Education Foundation is excited to announce that the Minority Fellowship Program Volunteer Applications for the 2018-19 year are now open! The MFP is funded by grants from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), focused on training of doctoral and master’s level practitioners and researchers in culturally competent mental health and substance abuse services, treatment, and prevention. The MFP has supported the training of over 1,700 Fellows from various mental health disciplines including marriage and family therapy.
There are many ways that you can contribute to the efforts of the MFP in shaping the marriage and family therapy workforce and enhancing the field of mental health.
Positions include:
Advisory Committee Member (Professional and Public Member)
MFP Mentors
Ad-hoc members/ Initial Reviewers
Volunteering for the MFP is an amazing opportunity to further the mission of expanding culturally competent mental health services to underserved populations, contribute to the growth and development of the behavioral health workforce, and gain access to members with similar interests and professional goals.
Review the volunteer position you wish to apply for on the MFP Volunteer Application Information Page.
To learn more about this opportunity please attend one of our free volunteer webinars:
Thursday March 29, 2018, 2:30 PM -3:30PM ET Click here to Join
Thursday April 19, 2018, 2:30PM -3:30PM ET Click here to join
Volunteer Applications are due Friday June 29, 2018