Today, September 29, AAMFT is holding an unprecedented Capitol Hill grassroots event focusing on the inclusion of MFTs in Medicare reimbursement, and we want you to be a part of it.
We are urging Congress to support the bipartisan bill S. 1830, Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act of 2015, and HR 2759, the Mental Health Access Improvement Act. This legislation would allow Marriage and Family Therapists to be covered by Medicare.
Please take ten minutes of your day to use the sample scripts below and ask your Senator and/or Representative to support this legislation that would positively impact MFTs.
Click here to find your Senator and Congressperson by zip code.
For further help in how to advocate, visit the AAMFT Fly-In Day webpage.
Sample Email Scripts
Senate Bill
Hello, this is [NAME/TITLE] from [YOUR INSTITUTION/TOWN], and I am writing to urge [YOUR SENATOR'S NAME] to co-sponsor S. 1830, Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act of 2015. This legislation would finally allow Marriage and Family Therapists to be covered by Medicare. Currently, the federal government recognizes five mental health disciplines as core mental health professionals. These are psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, psychiatric nurse specialists, and marriage and family therapists. Of these five groups, only marriage and family therapists are not recognized by Medicare.
Many Medicare beneficiaries live in mental health professional shortage areas. The shortage will get significantly worse as the Baby Boomers enroll in the program and current mental health service providers retire. Furthermore, Depression is the number one mental health problem among older adults, and evidence shows that if a senior is treated for their depression, they are more likely to take care of their other medical problems. This can lower costs for Medicare for everyone.
The U.S. Senate has twice passed legislation recognizing MFTs under Medicare (S 1 in 2003 and S 1932 in 2005), while the House also has twice passed such legislation (HR 3162 in 2007 and HR 3962 in 2009).
I urge the Senator to co-sponsor the S. 1830, Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act of 2015. Thank you for your time and consideration of my request.
House Bill
Hello, this is [NAME/TITLE] from [YOUR INSTITUTION/TOWN], and I am calling [WRITING] to urge [YOUR REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME] to co-sponsor HR 2759, the Mental Health Access Improvement Act. This legislation would finally allow Marriage and Family Therapists to be covered by Medicare. Currently, the federal government recognizes five mental health disciplines as core mental health professionals. These are psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, psychiatric nurse specialists, and marriage and family therapists. Of these five groups, only marriage and family therapists are not recognized by Medicare.
Many Medicare beneficiaries live in mental health professional shortage areas. The shortage will get significantly worse as the Baby Boomers enroll in the program and current mental health service providers retire. Furthermore, Depression is the number one mental health problem among older adults, and evidence shows that if a senior is treated for their depression they are more likely to take care of their other medical problems. This call lower costs for Medicare for everyone.
The U.S. Senate has twice passed legislation recognizing MFTs under Medicare (S 1 in 2003 and S 1932 in 2005), while the House also has twice passed such legislation (HR 3162 in 2007 and HR 3962 in 2009).
I urge the Representative to co-sponsor HR 2759, the Mental Health Access Improvement Act. Thank you for your time and consideration of my request.
Sample Phone Scripts
Senate Bill
Hello, this is [NAME] from [TOWN IN YOUR DISTRICT], and I am calling to urge [YOUR SENATOR'S NAME] to co-sponsor the bipartisan bill S. 1830, the Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act of 2015. This legislation would finally allow Marriage and Family Therapists to be covered by Medicare. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, this barrier to care for seniors results in higher costs for Medicare because if a senior is treated for their depression, they are more likely to care for their other medical needs. I hope [YOUR SENATOR'S NAME] will support this bill as it means a lot to me and my profession. Thank you so much for your time.
Hello, this is [NAME] from [TOWN IN YOUR DISTRICT], and I am calling to urge [YOUR SENATOR'S NAME] to co-sponsor the bipartisan bill S. 1830, the Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act of 2015. This legislation would finally allow Marriage and Family Therapists to be covered by Medicare. Currently, MFTs are the only federally recognized mental health profession that is excluded from treating Medicare patients. With so many Medicare beneficiaries living in mental health professional shortage areas, this legislation is needed more than ever. I hope [YOUR SENATOR'S NAME] will support this bill as it means a lot to me and my profession. Thank you so much for your time.
House Bill
Hello, this is [NAME] from [TOWN IN YOUR DISTRICT], and I am calling to urge [YOUR REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME] to co-sponsor the bipartisan HR 2759, the Mental Health Access Improvement Act. This legislation would finally allow Marriage and Family Therapists to be covered by Medicare. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, this barrier to care for seniors results in higher costs for Medicare because if a senior is treated for depression, they are more likely to care for their other medical needs. I hope [YOUR REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME] will support this bill as it means a lot to me and my profession. Thank you so much for your time.
Hello, this is [NAME] from [TOWN IN YOUR DISTRICT], and I am calling to urge [YOUR REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME] to co-sponsor the bipartisan bill HR 2759, the Mental Health Access Improvement Act.. This legislation would finally allow Marriage and Family Therapists to be covered by Medicare. Currently, MFTs are the only federally recognized mental health profession that is excluded from treating Medicare patients. With so many Medicare beneficiaries living in mental health professional shortage areas, this legislation is needed more than ever. I hope [YOUR REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME] will support this bill as it means a lot to me and my profession. Thank you so much for your time.
Sample Tweets
Representative [@name], please support HR 2759! #MFTsinMedicare
Senator [@name], please support S. 1830! #MFTsinMedicare
Thanks [@name], for supporting Family Therapists in Medicare! #MFTsinMedicare **
Support #HR2759 and #S1830 to include MFTs in Medicare. Protect our seniors! #MFTsinMedicare
Depression is the most prevalent mental health issue for seniors. Support #HR2759 and #S1830 to include MFTs in Medicare! #MFTsinMedicare
**These Senators and Representatives have already supported the bills:
House and Senate Bills | |
Introduced by @RepChrisGibson |
Introduced by @SenJohnBarrasso |
Supporting HR 2759 |
Supporting S. 1830 |
@RepThompson @repblumenauer @RepAdamSchiff @RepAnnaEshoo @chelliepingree @JaredHuffman @RepZoeLofgren |
@stabenow @alfranken @KellyAyotte @SenatorTester @SenatorCarper @SenGillibrand
Sample Facebook Posts
Senate Bill
[tag Senator's name], please co-sponsor S. 1830, the Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act of 2015. This legislation would allow Marriage and Family Therapists to be covered by Medicare. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, this barrier to care for seniors results in higher costs for Medicare because if a senior is treated for depression, they are more likely to care for their other medical needs. Your support of this bill means a lot to me and my profession. #MFTsInMedicare
House Bill
[tag Representative's name], please co-sponsor HR 2759, the Mental Health Access Improvement Act. This legislation would allow Marriage and Family Therapists to be covered by Medicare. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, this barrier to care for seniors results in higher costs for Medicare because if a senior is treated for depression, they are more likely to care for their other medical needs. Your support of this bill means a lot to me and my profession. #MFTsInMedicare